We came here in 2006 and we have been helping the Payatas community for all these years. We have fed the hungry by delivering donated food packs to their door. We also have a food pantry. We also give out clothing to the community. Many are blessed by these gifts.

We receive boxes of clothes almost every week and we help others by distributing them. Of course, sharing the Gospel of Jesus is of the utmost importance.
We do that by going out with a group of about fifty, every Saturday to share the word by tracts and speaking face to face.
We have two by two teams that visit people in their homes and also visitation program to visit the sick and infirmed.
we’re here for the children
One of our accomplishments is to teach the children. We had classes in Church during the pandemic. We also supplement what they learn in school. We have inducements for the kids to improve their grades.
If they will get all 80’s, they will get p100. If they get all 85’s they will get a Jollibee meal. If they get all 90’s they get a Kenny Rogers meal and if they get all 95’s they will Get a Kenny Rogers meal and a P1000 bill!
Let me say I have given out every prize as these kids work hard and they improve their grades.
We work with them up to college as we solicit donations to pay for their college education.
We have 7 students enrolled in good colleges.
One has graduated and passed the test for her teaching certificate. The others are going to be: a pilot,an engineer, a violin teacher, a math major, a seaman , a teacher of Filipino and a attorney.
Our goal is to raise up Christian professionals who will help others to grow.
Our desire for you is to give all you can so more can be all they can.
May God bless you as you bless others.